The season of Advent begins on Sunday November 29th and lasts for the four week leading up to Christmas.

The word Advent derives from the Latin word meaning coming. The Lord is coming. Advent is a season of preparation for his arrival.  Its a joyous season and prayer, penance and fasting are appropriate during this season.

Advent 2020 finds us in the middle of a global pandemic, at an unprecedented point in time when many things that we did before have simply become impossible. Much of the activity that occupies so much of our time has ground to a halt. We certainly have more time on our hands than we ever imagined and the luxury of time to reflect on what is of true importance and what is a mere distraction.

Traditionally, lighting the Advent wreath together with the prayers accompanying each candle is something we used to do as a family but now pairing it with viewing a devotional video on a service like would be a good way to join tradition to a contemporary means of praying together.

Things to do this Advent:

  • Join the Parish Weekly Zoom Prayer Group
  • Using the Laudate app for daily readings. They help you with your daily rosary. They will even send you reminders to keep up your prayer habits
  • To enter into this spirit of preparation, a possible penance like deleting the social media application one is spending the most time scrolling through the most
  • Set a daily 20-minute period to read Scripture or a devotional aid can help to dig that well the Lord wants to fill with his presence.
  • Scripture Sharing on Facebook Group in the Parish, There is no better story to share than our savior who is the reason for this season. Each Week, post a verse from one of the Gospel accounts and explain what it means to you.

By Kelly Gabrielle Loh